Intramural Sports

Intramural Sports

The Intramural Sports Program offers CU Denver students, faculty, staff, and members of the Salazar Student Wellness Center the opportunity to participate in a variety of individual and team sports 100% FREE of charge. We offer season leagues on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout the semester and a variety of 1-day tournaments on Fridays. It is the goal of the Intramural Sports Program to provide the members of the Salazar Student Wellness Center the opportunity to participate in the sport of their choice in a fun, friendly, and safe environment.

How to Play:

STEP 1: Create an account on IMLeagues, for your login use your CU Denver email (under school tab find “University of Colorado Denver”). Log in after receiving confirmation email.

STEP 2: Click on intramural tab (near the home tab, top left).

STEP 3: Click on the sport you'd like to play and choose specific league.

STEP 4: You can then choose to “create your own team” or be a “free agent” and join a team later.

STEP 5: Complete the waiver and read the sport rulebook.

STEP 6: You're ready to play!

Students playing Dodgeball on stand up paddle boards

Fall 2024


Wellness & Recreation Services

CU Denver

Lola & Rob Salazar Student Wellness Center

1355 12th Street

Denver, CO 80204

303.315.WELL (9355)

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