Telephone Setup and Support

Category: Billing OIT - Categories OIT - Type of software Phones Productivity and Business Audience: Faculty Staff
This service request is to install/activate, make changes, or deactivate an office/desktop telephone connection at a designated location. Typical use of this service is to support an office phone, or multiple office phones, connection.
Request Service

Phone Services

This service request is to install/activate an office/desktop telephone connection at a designated location. Typical use of this service is to support an office telephone connection. A Direct Inward Dial (DID) or non-DID phone number will be assigned based on customer’s requirements. Telecommunications and Network Infrastructure (TNI) will provide and support the TNI-provided standard telephone end to end.

If you have a request to change seven or more office/desktop connections, please:

If you are requesting a change for one individual office/desktop connection, use the link above to request service. This will allow you to: 

  • Move a phone
  • Change the name on a phone
  • Request a new phone
  • Disconnect a phone


Fax Services

The university supports conventional phone services using the same processes as defined above under “Phone Services”.  However, the university also offers access to an eFax solution that allows users to fax documents without requiring the ownership of a separate fax machine.  This service offers the following advantages:

  • Convenience and Accessibility: eFax allows you to send and receive faxes from anywhere with an internet connection, using devices like smartphones, tablets, or a computer. This flexibility is especially useful for remote work.
  • Cost Efficiency: Traditional fax machines require ongoing expenses for paper, ink, toner, and maintenance. eFax eliminates these costs, as it operates digitally.
  • Speed: eFax can transmit documents faster than traditional fax machines, which can be slowed down by busy signals or paper jams.
  • Security: eFax services often include encryption and other security measures to protect sensitive information, reducing the risk of unauthorized access compared to physical fax machines.
  • Environmental Impact: By eliminating the need for paper and ink, eFax is a more environmentally friendly option.
  • Scalability: eFax services can easily scale with your business needs without the need for additional hardware.

This service does not incur any more expense than provisioning of a phone line connection, as per below.  To request consultation concerning provisioning of an eFax connection, or transitioning a current fax line to an eFax solution, submit a service request below.


Directions to submit a service request:

  • Click the button to go to the OIT Service Center portal
  • Select "Make a Request"
  • Scroll down and choose "Phone Service"
  • Make the selection for the service you need


Phone Service Rates: 

 Equipment Cost
Phone line Connection $23.50 per month 
Phone line Re-Connection $45.00 one-time 
Phone line Moves and Changes (1/2 hour)
$45.00 per 1/2 hour
International Long Distance Billed at cost per minute

The Re-Connection Fee is only assessed in an instance where a phone line has been disconnected and re-connected (with the same phone number) within a span of 2 weeks.

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