Service Desk Extended Hours

The Service Desk will be open from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturday, September 21, and Sunday, September 22. Please call 303.724.4357 for assistance.

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Software, Support and Services

Tools and Services

Browse all OIT tools and services or search for a specific tool or service using the search box or filters.

These tools, software, and programs have all been vetted by our security and compliance team and are supported by our service desk.


Category: Design and Development OIT - Type of software Productivity and Business Screen Capture Audience: Faculty Staff
Techsmith Camtasia offers a suite of tools to record your computer screen and turn those recordings into professional-grade videos. A license can be requested through the OIT Service Desk.
Request License
 Be sure to review the Camtasia system requirements before using the software. 

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