Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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OIT Leadership Team


Doug Sicker picture

Douglas Sicker

Vice Chancellor of Technology, Strategy and Innovation and Chief Technology Officer
  • Office of Information Technology

In addition to his role as VC and CTO, Doug serves as a professor of Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering. He also served as CU Denver's Chief Computing Officer and led the Interdisciplinary Computing Task Force. Doug holds a BS, MS and Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh. He previously served as the Lord Endowed Professor and Chair in the College of Engineering and School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University and as the DBC Endowed Professor of Computer Science at CU Boulder and in various roles in the federal government, including as CTO of the Federal Communications Commission and the NTIA (Commerce). He also served as the Director of Network Architecture at Level 3 Communications. His research and teaching interests include wireless systems, cybersecurity, and network policy. Doug has seen the integral role that the university plays in the technology sector and is building on that momentum to create more opportunities for students and ensure that CU Denver is optimizing, investing in, and growing technology resources to meet the needs of our student, staff and faculty.

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