Alana Leonard

Outdoor Adventure Coordinator

Alana joined CU Denver Wellness & Recreation Services in July of 2023. Prior to CU Denver, she was an Outdoor Pursuits graduate assistant at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

She received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and in Spanish at East Carolina University and her Master of Arts in Spanish at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Alana is a rock climber and general outdoor sport/activity enthusiast. She also is passionate about engaging in and consuming all types of art including but not limited to playing guitar, singing, drawing/painting, acting, comedy, etc.

Incorporating Wellness

I incorporate wellness into my life through pursuing work that excites me and engages my passions for the outdoors, education, and mentorship. That being said, I make a point to stay very conscious about my work/play balance due to their similar nature. I also try to consistently reflect, meditate, and work towards growing my understanding of the world we live in and my interaction with it through mental, emotional, and physical wellness efforts.

How I can help

In line with the mission of Outdoor Adventure, I intend to be a resource and mentor for all who want to incorporate the outdoors into their lives regardless of prior experience or background. Additionally, I am more than happy to help refer anyone to the proper wellness resources available on and off campus. If you believe I could be of help to you in anyway, please do not hesitate to contact me!

image of milo

Wellness & Recreation Services

CU Denver

Lola & Rob Salazar Student Wellness Center

1355 12th Street

Denver, CO 80204

303.315.WELL (9355)

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