Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + Committee (LGBTQ+)



​The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + Committee (LGBTQ+) reviews policies and practices, evaluates and recommends policies affecting the needs of LGBTQ+ faculty and students.

LGBTQ+ Scope and Goals

  • Develop annual goals, review and revise past goals, and discuss, develop, and implement long-term goals; all goals should guide and rationalize the committee’s purposes as specified in the Bylaws of the Faculty Assembly.
  • Recommend or develop policies, programs, or activities for Assembly and administrative bodies that help create and maintain a vibrant and inclusive academic environment for faculty.
  • Evaluate policies, activities, and programs that fall within the committee’s purview; these evaluative processes should be carried out collaboratively with academic-community bodies and members of the community potentially affected by such evaluations.
  • Consult with other committees of Faculty Assembly on matters related to the committee’s purview, policies, and activities.
  • Review and assure that policies and procedures related to the committee’s purview are equitable and applied equitably to faculty.
  • Help develop and monitor programs and policies that support the achievement of the committee’s goals.
  • Help develop, enhance, and evaluate support networks and necessary services for faculty that affect the implementation and review of policies that fall within the committee’s purview.
  • Assure that faculty, staff, students and programs are well represented in campus policies on and procedures relative to the purview of the committee 

The committee actively welcomes the participation of all LGBTQ+ faculty and allies on campus. Please email Katy Mohrman, PhD, Chair of the LGBTQ+ Committee at Katherine.mohrman@ucdenver.edu to be added to the mailing list and to receive meeting updates.


LGBTQ+ Workshops

Numerous studies have shown that implementing best practices related to LGBTQ+ inclusion in educational settings have significant impacts on gender and sexual minorities’ sense of self-worth and belonging as well as their ability to succeed, leading to greater retention and graduation rates. These practices are essential for creating a university culture that better prepares all students to enter and shape a more equitable and just world. This hour-long workshop, created and delivered by CU Denver’s LGBTQ+ Faculty Assembly Committee, introduces participants to the whys and hows of LGBTQ+ inclusion in a university setting. Topics covered include appropriate terminology; updating gender information in CU Denver information systems; normalizing asking for names and pronouns; recovering from mistakes; inclusive pedagogical practices; gender neutral restrooms; and identifying resources available on LGBTQ+ topics at the university and beyond. The workshops can be delivered in-person, online, or using a hybrid format. If you are interested in learning more about these workshops or setting one up for your unit please contact Katy Mohrman at katherine.mohrman@ucdenver.edu




NameSchool or College
K. Mohrman, ChairCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Lisa Johansen, SecretaryCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Andy Scahill College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Martin SaboBusiness School
Howard CookCollege of Arts and Media
Kent SeidelSchool of Education and Human Development
Laurel Schwaebe Auraria Library
Mariana PrestigiacomoAuraria Library
Chris WeibleSchool of Public Affairs
VacantCollege of Engineering, Design and Computing
VacantCollege of Architecture and Planning
Ed Cannon and Troyann Gentile, Ex-OfficioSchool of Education and Human Development
Dale Stahl, Ex-OfficioCLAS
Rachel Gross, Ex-OfficioCLAS
Mia Fischer, Ex-OfficioCLAS
Ryan Brown, Ex-OfficioCLAS
Tyrell Allen, Ex-OfficioMSU-Denver
Jill Rubin, Ex-OfficioWomen and Gender Center at the Center for Identity and Inclusion
Nicole Beer, Ex-OfficioCLAS
Karissa Stolen, Ex-OfficioAnschutz


Current Meeting Materials

 Month AgendaMinutes
August 2022No Meeting Held 
September 2022 LGBTQ+ September 2022 Minutes
October 2022 LGBTQ+ October 2022 Minutes
November 2022 LGBTQ+ November 2022 Minutes
December 2022 LGBTQ+ December 2022 Minutes
January 2023No Meeting Held 
February 2023 LGBTQ+ February 2023 Minutes
March 2023 LGBTQ+ March 2023 Minutes
April 2023 LGBTQ+ April 2023 Meeting Minutes
May 2023 LGBTQ FA May 2023 Meeting Minutes
June 2023No Meeting Held 
July 2023No Meeting Held 
August 2023No Meeting Held 
September 2023 LGBTQ+ September 2023 Minutes
October 2023 LGBTQ+ October 2023 Minutes
November 2023 LGBTQ+ November 2023 Minutes
December 2023 LGBTQ+ December 2023 Minutes
January 2024No Meeting Held 
February 2024 LGBTQ+ February 2024 Minutes
March 2024No Meeting Held 
April 2024 LGBTQ+ April 2024 Minutes
May 2024 LGBTQ+ May 2024 Minutes
June 2024No Meeting Held 
July 2024No Meeting Held 
August 2024No Meeting Held 
September 2024 LGBTQ September 2024 Minutes
October 2024 LGBTQ October 2024 Minutes
November 2024No Meeting Held 
December 2024 LGBTQ December 2024 Minutes
January 2025No Meeting Held 


Past Meeting Materials

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