Faculty Assembly Committees

The Faculty Assembly has 8 standing committees that tackle a range of issues that are essential to the continued growth of the institution and to the quality of the faculty experience on this campus.

Academic Personnel Committee (APC)

The APC shall serve as the primary consultative body to Faculty Assembly and CU Denver administration on personnel policy development and on the administration of policies governing personnel practices.

Budget Priorities Committee (BPC)

The BPC represents the faculty in advising and consulting with the Chancellor and designees on budget matters. The committee is the primary advising and consultative body to Faculty Assembly on campus-level budgetary matters and serves as a campus-level resource for faculty.

Committee on the Status of Women (CSW)

The CSW reviews policies and practices, evaluates and recommends policies affecting women faculty and students on the CU Denver Campus.

Disability Committee (DisC)

Disability is important to the diversity of this campus and necessary to consider when creating inclusive environments for both students and faculty. Seeing disability as diversity means understanding the political, historical, social, and environmental aspects of disability identity and disability on campus.

Educational Policy and Planning Committee (EPPC)

The EPPC reviews and makes recommendations on general policy, CU Denver's strategic plan, and any other long-range plans or formulations that set forth the broad educational and curricular objectives and policies at CU Denver.

Ethnic Diversity Committee (EDC)

The EDC reviews policies and practices, evaluates, and recommends policies affecting minority faculty and students.

LGBTQ+ Committee

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + Committee (LGBTQ+) reviews policies and practices, evaluates and recommends policies affecting the needs of GLBTI faculty and students.

Learning, Educational Technology, Teaching, and Scholarship Committee (LETTS)

The LETTS Committee advises CU Denver administrators and committees on matters related to the advancement of student learning, educational technology as it promotes learning, quality teaching and instructional methods, and scholarship related to teaching, research, service, and outreach.

Faculty Campus Committees


Faculty Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board (FACAB)

FACAB represents the faculty of the Community College of Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and the University of Colorado Denver and advises the Board about policies and issues affecting the faculty.

University Curriculum Committee (UCC)

This body of faculty from each of the seven downtown schools and colleges will review new course and program proposals from all course-generating units.

University of Colorado Denver Association of Lecturers and Instructors (UCDALI)

UCDALI strives to advance professionalism among and respect for Instructional, Research, and Clinical Faculty (IRC) at CU Denver through representation, community, and communication.

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