

2024 Budget Model Revision Process

Consistent with our mission and 2030 Strategic Plan, CU Denver is routinely looking for ways to innovate, grow, and attract and retain more students seeking a Lynx education. We’ve had our current budget model for seven years. A budget model determines how funds, resources, and incentives are allocated.

With numerous macro trends impacting colleges in recent years such as COVID and enrollment fluctuations, it makes sense to revisit our model now. A revised budget model enables us to determine how budgets, resources, and incentives could be allocated with consideration of:

higher education’s evolving practices
ways that promote the financial health of the campus overall
meeting the needs of schools, colleges, and programs— and ultimately, our students.

Our campus' revised budget model planning process began in April 2024 with a preview during the April 9 budget info session and will conclude in spring 2025, for adoption in July 2025. As the process moves forward this fall, this page will be updated with more information and engagement opportunities for faculty and staff.


Fall 2024 Learning Sessions


These interactive learning sessions are an opportunity for faculty and staff to meet with members of the project team and the Budget Allocation Review Steering Committee to get information, ask questions, and share ideas. Attendees are invited to hear more about each topic below at either an in-person or virtual learning session.  


Denver Campus Budget Allocation Review Process FAQs


Revision Process Timeline

April 2024

Project launches

June – early August 2024

Project team begins planning

September 2024

Project steering committee forms

September 2024 – March 2025

  • Steering Committee meets twice a month for 90 minutes to review the current budget model and formulate recommendations for improvements. Minutes will be shared publicly. 
  • Series of info sessions for all faculty and staff to learn more about the process and ask questions.

March 2025

Project team and steering committee submit recommendations to executive team for review.

July 2025

New budget model adopted

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