About Project Include

Project Include offers training, quick program support, Universal Design and Inclusion Kits, and customized coaching and materials support to licensed Colorado child care programs.

All Project Include team members have specialized knowledge in assistive technology and universal design and inclusion strategies for children from birth to age 5. Our team includes professionals who have worked as teachers, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists in preschool and early childhood settings.

We're here to help your program succeed!

Participants who have quick questions, would like more information, or need brief consultation, may contact us at ProjectInclude@ucdenver.edu at any time.

Our Team

Professional photo of Maureen

Maureen Melonis BS, MNS, CCC-SLP

Associate Director Research Senior Instructor
Headshot of Christa LeGray from the shoulders up smiling

Christa LeGray MS, CCC-SLP

Research Instructor Early Intervention Program Coordinator
Professional photo of Claire

Claire Simpson MSOT

Research Instructor Clinician, Occupational Therapist

Funding Provided by...

Project Include is funded by the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) stimulus increase.

Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE)

CU Denver

The Hub, Bioengineering

1224 5th Street

Suite 130

Denver, CO 80204


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