Teriana I.
Feb 18, 2025
Major: Music (BS)
Program: CU Denver in Korea: Korea Goes Global & CU Denver in Czechia: Recording Studio in Prague
When I went to South Korea with CU Denver in the summer of 2018, I made sure to take all the pictures I could so I can remember everything. These four images just encompass a small piece of my trip, as South Korea was the trip where I had many firsts: first time on a plane, first time seeing the ocean, first time sleeping under a roof without my parents. When I was introduced to the Korean culture a few years prior to the trip, a goal of mine was to instantly to go to South Korea one day. Being able to achieve this goal, I fell in love with learning about the battles SK has had to fight, and how it overcame so much to be number one in the world’s technology.
Because there were so many firsts throughout this trip for me, I grew so much as a person and came home a much stronger, more independent person. Growing up, I was protected from the dangerous world we live in and it was difficult for my parents to let me go across the sea by myself for the first time. However, I wanted to see for myself how dangerous our world really is and get a first-hand experience of the culture I had admired for a while. Coming back home a month later, I realized that my parents were right, but only to an extent. I found a new motto, and my parents are starting to live by it too - Give it a chance and be cautious. This allows me to be open minded in new experiences, but to not let myself go crazy with too many new experiences.