Paul S.
Feb 18, 2025
Major: International Studies
Program: CU Denver in China: Semester in Beijing
My experience in China gave me an appreciation for what the State Department calls "citizen diplomacy," which is the idea that forming friendships and doing good work abroad has real consequences in how you view other countries and cultures, as well as how those abroad view you and your own culture and nationality. Examining current events through the lenses of our own lived experiences with Chinese peers was a past me I never grew tired of in my time in Beijing, and to this day I stay in touch with several of the friends I made during study abroad.
CU Denver in Beijing was instrumental in my decision to eventually major in Chinese. The experience fused with some of my other interests and I went on to study post-war state building, which culminated in two years in Cambodia with the Peace Corps, followed by a focus in local government during my masters in public affairs at Indiana University. Today, I work for the Social Security Administration - and while it might seem far flung from exploring temples and riding the 地铁 in China, I absolutely credit my time in Beijing as being a superb incubator for deepening my passions and sense of identity in my undergraduate years and beyond. and trying the many different types of food, and how welcoming both cultures were. I feel like studying abroad helped me learn that I actually like traveling and has given me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone.