Meghan C.
Feb 18, 2025
Major: International Studies
Program: CU Denver in China: Semester in Beijing
Study abroad has made me realize everyone has their own way of life. There is no 'right' way to do things and I think there is a misunderstanding with people from around the world that cause miscommunication. My worldview has shifted as I have interacted with people who come from different backgrounds and cultures. We are all unique and different in many ways. Yet, we are the same because we are human who feels emotions and experience life.
My favorite day was a cold windy day in November. It was that kind of windy cold adventurous day. The university I attended had a free pass for international students to visit Gubei Water Tower. The town was vacant with barely any people. It was peaceful as my friends and I walked around the town. There were many shops around with souvenirs, historical museums, and traditional food. My friends and I were getting cold and hungry as we were wandering. I remember walking down a street and saw a single sign with the character "面“, which means noodles. I immediately told them that this place has noodles and we need to go. We went in and were the only ones there. The restaurant owner directed us to a QR code to order online. It is astonishing how even in a historical town, China has modernized its technology. I don't know if I was cold or hungry, but those were by far the best noodles I had in China. I still remember them three years later. I thought to myself “Am I going to make it?”. It was daunting with the new surroundings, I felt out of my element, to say the least. On the contrary me being out of my element enabled me to be able to grow in ways I couldn’t imagine. I developed relationships not only with my fellow classmates but also with people from Spain. As much as I loved exploring Barcelona it was truly the small intimate moments I had was what I cherished the most. Whether it was talking to locals at the laundromat or talking to our waiters, those truly were some of the best memories. Also, having the ability to comeback and share an experience as unique as this one with friends and family, and watch their face light-up telling them my experiences is rewarding. Studying abroad in Barcelona unlocked a whole new perspective on life and exploration that will forever change how I see the world around me.