It is important to ensure that assistive technology (AT) implementation does not get overlooked once teams have determined the best AT support or device to meet a student's learning needs. This page includes links to lesson activities, plans, and demonstrations of evidence-based practices for AT implementation. The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT) consortium provides many resources regarding implementation to help special education professionals plan and implement AT. Additionally the QIAT Resource Bank (new tab) includes lesson plans and templates to help teams get started.
On the QIAT website (new tab), educational teams can also access rubrics to support their own evaluation of effectiveness for assessment, implementation, professional development, and more.
In each area, the QIAT Indicator Matrix lists evidence that these criteria have been met. When looking at the indicators, plans that have shared responsibility for AT, include parent collaboration, infuse AT throughout the school day, and plan for ongoing staff, student, and family training are on the road to effective AT implementation.
QIAT: Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology. (2020, November 1). Indicator 4: AT Implementation. Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services. (new tab)