SWAAAC AT Loan Library FAQ

I am looking for assistance with some aspect of the AT loan library. Who should I contact?

Please contact Claire Simpson (claire.simpson@ucdenver.edu). 
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Who has access to the SWAAAC AT Loan Library?

Anyone can explore the library by visiting the online catalog. However, equipment can only be requested by a SWAAAC Team Coordinator, Loan Library Delegate, or designated Early Intervention AT Consultant. 
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Where can I find the online catalog?

Access the online loan library catalog (swaaac.goalexandria.com). 
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Why is loan library access limited to SWAAAC Team Coordinators and Early Intervention AT Coordinators?

The library is funded primarily by the Colorado Department of Education to provide equipment for children in Colorado public schools. Early Intervention also contributes to the purchasing of equipment for children birth to three. Limiting access to SWAAAC Team Coordinators and Early Intervention Consultants helps us manage accountability for loaned materials.

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I forgot my login information. Where can I find my username and password?

Contact Claire Simpson (claire.simpson@ucdenver.edu).
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I've never used the AT Loan Library Catalog before. Where should I start?

You can learn how to use the loan library catalog by watching this quick training, Get to Know the Loan Library, on YouTube.
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How do I log in?

Start by clicking the search icon; this will open a new tab. In the top, left hand corner, there will be a "Log In" button.
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Once I'm logged in, how do I find the equipment I am looking for?

To search for items, you can enter your search into the search field or click explore to browse items by category. Browsing by category is a good way to start. This search field produces broad results. Although it may not be efficient for finding specific AT, we recommend spending time browsing the online catalog before you are ready to borrow equipment. This is a great way to become familiar with the Alexandria system as well as the types of AT included in the Loan Library.

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How do I know if my school has a courier site and where can I find our courier code?

When you place a request through Alexandria, you’ll be asked to select your courier location. A list of all Colorado Library Courier Service sites can be found on the Courier Website. Type in a school district or town and click the "Lookup" button.

PLEASE NOTE: The Colorado Library Consortium courier service is not affiliated with SWAAAC. SWAAAC is merely a patron of the courier service and in no way manages it. While the Central SWAAAC Office pays an annual fee so that the AT Loan Library may be a pick-up/drop-off point, we do not have control over any of the other courier patrons (i.e. your local public or school library). Your local public library or school library may allow you to send and receive items through their courier stop on their courier service bill, as a favor to your AT team. Alternatively, you may look into becoming a courier patron and pay an annual fee to establish your office as a drop-off/pick-up point.

Contact the Colorado Library Consortium directly if you have questions about the courier service, or if you would like to add a site: 303-422-1150, 888-206-2695 or CourierHelp@clicweb.org.

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Where do I get a courier slip if I need to return a device?

When we send equipment, we include a half-sheet with instructions for using the courier service as well as an extra courier slip for returning devices. If you need another courier slip, please email Claire Simpson (claire.simpson@ucdenver.edu). We require that you use the multi-sheet carbon copy form so that we can track the delivery.

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How can I renew a device loan?

The library policy allows a one-time, two-week extension on many devices that are not waitlisted. Contact Claire Simpson (claire.simpson@ucdenver.edu) with your request to extend a loan. If you have already checked out an item and would like to check it out for a new student for the full loan period, email your Central SWAAAC Office. They will verify if there is no waitlist and have you submit a new Item Request Survey in Alexandria. Please indicate 'renewal' in the notes.

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What should I do if I receive a device that does not work?

Call us right away. We will try out best to troubleshoot the problem and/or obtain technical support to resolve the issue quickly. If we can’t resolve the problem from a distance, return the device with the equipment survey or a note describing the problem. Please specify if you would still like to receive the device once it is repaired. We do our best to ensure that all devices are in working order when sent, so we apologize if you receive a device in disrepair. We appreciate you informing us of any damage or missing parts so we can keep our inventory updated and in proper working order.

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How do I know when the equipment is due?

The due date is noted on the courier slip that is taped to the top of the box. You should also receive a circulation email which notes the due date. Additionally, you may login to Alexandria at any time to check your "Patron Status." This report indicates the items you have checked out and their due dates. You may also email Claire Simpson (claire.simpson@ucdenver.edu) for a list of checked out times with due dates.

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I requested a device but I haven't received it. Has it been sent yet?

If equipment is available, it will be sent a day or two after receiving your request and you will receive a circulation email when your request is processed.

If you do not receive the equipment within one week of receiving the circulation "Item Sent" email, please contact SWAAAC so that we may contact the courier and/or submit a 'Lost Item Report' through the courier website.

If the equipment is not available, it will be sent as soon as we receive it from the previous borrower. You can view item availability in Alexandria prior to placing a request. If you need equipment for a certain date, please complete a 'Reservation' on Alexandria two months in advance of the date the item is needed, or please contact Claire Simpson (claire.simpson@ucdenver.edu) at the Central SWAAAC Office.

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Why should I read the loan library wait list emails that I receive?

Waitlist emails provide a lot of information that may help in the following ways:

  • Remind you to return equipment on time
  • Help you calculate when a device will become available 
  • Let you know which items are not currently in high demand
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