Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree

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Planning to Transfer to CU Denver?

Are you in your first or second semester at one of the participating Colorado community colleges and plan to transfer to CU Denver after earning your associate degree? CU Denver’s Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree might be a great program for you!

Students who meet the following requirements of the program are automatically admitted to CU Denver!

You must be either undeclared, or planning on pursuing a degree within any of CU Denver’s seven schools and/or colleges. View our undergraduate catalog to see a list of programs by school and college.

  • Attend one of the community colleges within the Colorado Community College system (CCCS).

  • As part of the Bridge to Bachelor's program, students will have the opportunity to connect with a CU Denver Academic Advisor at a Transfer Admissions event or by contacting the Office of Admissions to schedule a meeting with an Advisor

Interested in Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree? Start here and complete an eligibility questionnaire!​


Undergraduate Admissions

CU Denver

Student Commons Building

1201 Larimer Street


Denver, CO 80204


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