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 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Student Affairs Policies

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  • Policy Number:7050

    Status:Under Review

    This policy defines academic misconduct and sets forth a uniform process for handling allegations of student academic misconduct at CU Denver. 

    Keywords: cheating complicity fabrification falsification misconduct plagiarism sanctions

  • Policy Number:7020


    This policy describes the requirements, responsibilities and processes for student and faculty to integrate internship experiences into the CU Denver educational experience as one concrete way to enhance the success of our graduates.

    Keywords: learning experiences professional development travel work experience

  • Policy Number:7016


    This policy defines four levels of academic standing and identifies rules and procedures that apply to students based on their academic standing.

    Keywords: poor bad grades early alert help support module

  • Policy Number:7007


    This policy describes how CU Denver and CU Anschutz accepts and applies credit from prior learning experiences in work or other environments towards graduate degree programs. 

    Keywords: Awarding Earning Experience Previous transfer

  • Policy Number:7032

    Status:Under Review

    This policy establishes the requirements by which CU Denver and CU Anschutz residents and students ("Trainees") in the health disciplines must consent to pass a background investigation prior to final acceptance into a university health education program (including Graduate Medical Education).  

  • Policy Number:7013A


    This policy outlines the duties and responsibilities of the CU Anschutz Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team. 

    Keywords: assistance help intervention Risk trauma wellness

  • Policy Number:7013D


    This policy outlines the duties and responsibilities of CU Denver’s Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team. 

    Keywords: assistance help trauma wellness

  • Policy Number:7033


    In compliance with Colorado’s Statewide Transfer Policy, students may transfer credit from a Colorado community college on a course-by-course basis or by completing an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree.

    Keywords: 60 plus 60 articulation agreement

  • Policy Number:7021


    This policy provides a uniform system for determining student requirements for the Dean’s List across all the schools and colleges at CU Denver.

    Keywords: academic honors

  • Policy Number:7001


    This enrollment and billing policy provides simple, fair and equitable payment guidelines to students at CU Denver while providing financial incentives to manage enrollment and billing. 

    Keywords: ADD advance drop Tuition

  • Policy Number:7011


    The purpose of this policy is to codify and memorialize the Displaced Aurarian Scholarship Program to ensure that eligibility for the scholarship extends beyond the children and grand-children of individuals displaced from Auraria.  

    Keywords: Displaced Aurarian Displaced Aurarian Scholarship scholarship

  • Policy Number:7004


    This policy clarifies what constitutes disruptive behavior in the academic setting; what actions faculty members, department chairs, and relevant assistant/associate deans may take in response to disruptive conduct; and the authority of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards to initiate disciplinary proceedings against students for allegations of disruptive conduct. 

    Keywords: misconduct

  • Policy Number:7034


    This policy applies to all courses, graduate and undergraduate, which have exams that are centrally scheduled.

    Keywords: exam schedule exam schedule conflicts final exam

  • Policy Number:7036


    The purpose of this policy is to establish the responsibility for awarding student aid from funds controlled by schools, programs, and departments. 

    Keywords: Fellowships grants loans Scholarships Stipends work-study

  • Policy Number:7023

    Status:Under Review

    This policy contains stipulates the conditions under which an undergraduate student at CU Denver will be guaranteed to graduate in four years.
  • Policy Number:7040


    This policy establishes a “Fresh Start” program (the “Program”) at the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) that allows undergraduate students who left CU Denver with a cumulative transcript G.P.A. of below 2.0 the opportunity to return for a second chance with a recalculated G.P.A.

    Keywords: GPA Recalculation Grade Forgiveness New Restart Second Chance Starting Over

  • Policy Number:7037D


    This policy establishes the process whereby undergraduate students enrolled at CU Denver can replace a limited number of below-average grades earned in certain courses with a new grade after repeating the same course.

    Keywords: Grade Forgiveness repeat replace reverse take over

  • Policy Number:7008A


    The purpose of this policy is to establish CU Anschutz provisions for granting graduate student assistantships and tuition remission to graduate students who are enrolled in degree granting programs of CU Anschutz. 

    Keywords: Degree Granting Financial Aid graduate school

  • Policy Number:7017


    This policy establishes uniform deadlines and procedures for students, schools, and colleges to follow regarding graduation each term.

    Keywords: cap and gown commencement diploma

  • Policy Number:7005


    These guidelines set forth the Title IX protections that should be provided for pregnant and parenting students, including those with pregnancy-related conditions.

    Keywords: child pregnant Title IX

  • Policy Number:7010


    The purpose of this policy is to set forth the requirement for non-immigrant international students present in the United States on F-1 or J-1 visas enrolled in courses on CU Denver to have and maintain adequate health insurance coverage throughout the course of their program as students of CU Denver.

    Keywords: J-1 F-1 Visa Medical Coverage

  • Policy Number:7015


    This policy establishes the minimum requirements to mitigate and manage risks associated with university-affiliated international travel by students. 

    Keywords: destinations experiential learning global education global study international student travel unaffiliated travelers

  • Policy Number:7038A


    This policy describes the circumstances under which a student at CU Anschutz may request a Medical Leave of Absence and the procedures the student must follow. 

    Keywords: Mental or Physical Health Reentry

  • Policy Number:7039


    This policy provides medical withdrawal options for student diagnosed with either physical or psychological medical conditions that significantly impact their safety or ability to be academically successful.

    Keywords: Break physical psychological Sick

  • Policy Number:7018


    This policy sets forth the procedure that shall be followed in the event that a CU Denver student residing in the Campus Village Apartment complex is missing.

    Keywords: absent concern find

  • Policy Number:7031


    This policy establishes dean’s signature authority for CU Denver | CU Anschutz non-degree students. This policy applies to undergraduate and graduate (previous degree) non-degree students whether in D1 or D2 programs.
  • Policy Number:7009


    This policy establishes English language proficiency requirements for the admission of international students to the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus and the responsibility of the university to determine that international student applicants possess a level of proficiency in English necessary to succeed academically.

    Keywords: iBT IELTS MyBest PET TOEFL Visa

  • Policy Number:7060


    This policy provides guidelines for a current or former student to obtain official transcripts or diplomas/credentials at CU Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus in the case that the student has an outstanding financial obligation to the University.

    Keywords: transcript, hold, diploma, degree, financial obligation, debt, payment plan

  • Policy Number:7024


    This policy describes the policy and procedures for the design and implementation of a coherent and comprehensive program for annual assessment of student learning in all programs.

    Keywords: learning standards

  • Policy Number:7025


    This policy sets forth guidelines for awarding posthumous academic degrees to deceased CU Denver and CU Anschutz students.

    Keywords: death die student

  • Policy Number:7035A


    This policy documents the CU Anschutz policy and procedures used to ensure all nonpublic personal customer information obtained by various CU Anschutz departments in the awarding of students loans is adequately safeguarded, protected, and is not shared with unauthorized individuals. 
  • Policy Number:7030

    Status:Under Review

    This policy addresses the issues of student absences, identifies possible accommodations, and outlines both faculty and student responsibilities. 

    Keywords: excused absence religion religious holiday religious observance

  • Policy Number:7003


    Not a policy--Student Code of Conduct Handbook for CU Denver.

    Keywords: behavior handbook

  • Policy Number:7014


    This policy addresses immunization requirements for current and newly enrolled students at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus. The State of Colorado has established basic immunization requirements for students at institutions of higher education.

    Keywords: COVID flu immunization shots Vaccine

  • Policy Number:7029A


    This policy sets forth the administrative rules for student organizations and to define the relationship to those organizations that conduct activities on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus.

    Keywords: affiliated student organization associated student organization fundraising raffles

  • Policy Number:7029D


    This policy sets forth the fiscal oversight rules for student organizations and to define the general institutional relationship of those organizations that conduct activities on CU Denver. 

    Keywords: affiliated student organization associated student organization fundraising raffles

  • Policy Number:7026


    This policy stipulates the guidelines and exceptions by which students at CU Denver and CU Anschutz can participate in commencement ceremonies. 

    Keywords: graduation

  • Policy Number:7019


    This policy and guidelines offers suggestions for ways in which academic and administrative units and faculty may assist students who are called to active military duty.

    Keywords: national guard veterans affairs

  • Policy Number:7006


    This policy is designed to clarify when undergraduate credits may transfer to the university and to encourage students to advance as far through the educational system as they can in pursuit of their goals. It also covers transfer credits for military veterans. 

    Keywords: credits military veterans transfer xfr

  • Policy Number:7012


    This policy addresses situations in which students believe they have valid reasons for requesting a refund of tuition from the CU Denver. 

    Keywords: refund

  • Policy Number:7027


    This policy sets forth procedural guidelines intended to assist those responding to the death of a student.
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