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Finance Policies

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  • Policy Number:2008


    The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines that are to be followed by departments when selling goods and services on credit to external customers that have a future payment (collection) date.

    Keywords: billing credit goods internal controls payment

  • Policy Number:2039A


    This policy will ensure that permanent art installations complement and respect the campus character, are appropriate to its setting, history, traditions, and mission.

    Keywords: art appraisal art installations donors gift

  • Policy Number:2015


    This policy outlines responsibilities for the approval of University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus applications for extramural funding and program sponsorship.

    2015 - Exhibit B

    2015 - Exhibit C

    Keywords: contract proposals funding grant applications

  • Policy Number:2022


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical campus (“university”) to follow in the creation of campus budgets.

    Keywords: budget journal campus budget funds

  • Policy Number:2023


    The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines for establishing and maintaining jurisdiction over Capital Equipment and Government Property under the possession of the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus and the University of Colorado South Denver Location.

    Keywords: capital equipment disposal furniture gift in kind

  • Policy Number:2004


    The purpose of this policy shall be to establish the guidelines for cash receipts and deposits at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus. 

    Keywords: cash checks funds refunds third-party

  • Policy Number:2009


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the management of clinical trials.

    2009 - Exhibit A

    2009 - Exhibit B

    2009 - Exhibit C

    Keywords: agreement COMIRB research

  • Policy Number:2011


    This policy establishes guidelines for timely reconciliation, reporting and close-out of sponsored projects.

    Keywords: closeout financial report review process financial status report FSR

  • Policy Number:2038A


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the assessment of cost allocations to programs in the Auxiliary and Self-Funded Activities Fund at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz).

    Keywords: GAR general administrative recharge general infrastructure recharge GIR indirect cost allocation

  • Policy Number:2002

    Status:Under Review

    This policy exists to provide guidance regarding allowable cost sharing and establish procedures which enable CU Denver | CU Anschutz to identify and document cost sharing.

    Keywords: cost share in-kind contributions mandatory cost share obligatory cost share voluntary cost share

  • Policy Number:2018


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the transfer of costs between or to sponsored projects and to prescribe the conditions under which cost transfers may be accepted as charges to sponsored projects. This policy applies to all cost transfers from any source of University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus funding to sponsored projects.

    Keywords: cost transfer JE journal entry payroll expense transfer PET

  • Policy Number:2019


    The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements and procedures for accepting credit cards as a method of payment for goods or services provided by campus departments at the University of Colorado Denver and University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

    Keywords: debit payment preapproval processing fee

  • Policy Number:2003


    This policy sets forth the campus requirements for reviewing, approving, conducting, and reporting crowdfunding activities associated with the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus (“CU Denver | Anschutz”) in order to address financial/legal implications and assure compliance with University, State, and federal requirements.

    Keywords: raise funds Social Media third-party

  • Policy Number:2013


    This policy represents University of Colorado Denver and University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus’s best judgment about the appropriate application of OMB A-21 requirements of costs charged to research grants, at this time, and under present and reasonably foreseeable circumstances.

    2013 - Exhibit A

    2013 - Exhibit B

    2013 - Exhibit C

    2013 - Exhibit D

    2013 - Exhibit F

    Keywords: allowables legitimate charge OMB A-21 sponsored projects

  • Policy Number:2020


    This policy establishes University of Colorado Denver and University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (“the university”) guidelines for the establishment of a Sponsored Project in Grants and Contracts (OGC) prior to the receipt of the award document from the sponsoring agency.

    2020 - Exhibit A

    2020 - Exhibit B

    Keywords: check deposit request pre-activated award authorization pre-award pre-award costs

  • Policy Number:2006


    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for departments and administrative units when requesting new programs or projects to be established in the general ledger.

    Keywords: account chartfield program project speedtype

  • Policy Number:2041A


    This policy establishes rules and guidelines for University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus contracting. It is the responsibility of every individual involved in the performance and administration of CU Anschutz contracts to assure that no violation of this policy occurs.

    Keywords: delegated interagency agreements prime awards subcontracts

  • Policy Number:2044A


    This policy is designed to support faculty, senior leaders, and the University by providing a structured process for the ethical review of gifts to the University that might pose a threat to institutional integrity.

    Keywords: Accept Free Money

  • Policy Number:2027


    The purpose of this policy is to establish the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and University of Denver guidelines for the acquisition and use of Facilities and Administrative (F&A) cost recovery.

    2027 - Exhibit A1

    2027 - Exhibit A2

    2027 - Exhibit B1

    2027 - Exhibit B2

    2027 - Exhibit C

    2027 - Exhibit D

    Keywords: cost recovery distribution negotiated rate agreement rebudgeting total direct costs waiver

  • Policy Number:2007


    This policy establishes the procedures and methods of purchasing, distributing, and accounting for gift cards, including Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax reporting requirements.

    Keywords: gift certificates money orders participation incentive recognition awards study subject compensation

  • Policy Number:2040A


    This policy addresses how the campus will protect and commercialize Campus Discoveries. This policy supersedes all previous policies and will be used to distribute all Net Royalty Receipts, on any new and existing Campus Discoveries.

    Keywords: intellectual property income distribution royalty revenue technology transfer income

  • Policy Number:2001


    This policy provides guidelines for establishing, budgeting, costing, administering, and accounting for Internal Service Centers, Core Laboratories and other operations regularly selling goods or services to University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus departments or activities.

    Keywords: Accounting budgeting revenue speedtype spending

  • Policy Number:2024


    This policy sets forth guidelines for maintaining a system of internal controls for inventories, keeping inventory records that accurately reflect the valuation of the inventory, and conducting annual physical inventories.

    Keywords: Accounting audit internal control inventory

  • Policy Number:2012

    Status:Under Review

    The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines for reimbursement of CU Denver | CU Anschutz employees for expenses incurred in moving or relocating because of accepting a job offer, a change in assignment, promotion, or other reason related to the employee’s duties.

    Keywords: moving reimbursement relocation

  • Policy Number:2021


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the identification and reporting of grant and contract program income.

    Keywords: additive deduction matching

  • Policy Number:2025


    The purpose of this policy shall be to establish a reference for property insurance coverage and guidelines for loss prevention responsibility.

    Keywords: insurance insurance policy loss prevention property losses

  • Policy Number:2042A


    The purpose of this policy is to establish the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz) real estate guidelines for the acquisition of lab, office, classroom, or storage space on the 9th & Colorado Campus, Downtown Campus, or the Anschutz Medical Campus or from third party vendors.

    2042 - Exhibit A

    2042 - Exhibit B

    2042 - Exhibit C

    Keywords: lease real estate space rental tenant

  • Policy Number:2036A

    Status:Under Review

    This policy establishes guidelines to have timely ongoing communication with and ongoing monitoring of organizations subcontracted by the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz) to perform certain services for CU Anschutz prime-awarded sponsor projects.

    Keywords: pass-through entity site visits subrecipient invoices

  • Policy Number:2005


    This policy has been implemented to ensure consistent and appropriate reporting and categorizing of fund balances that make up unrestricted net position in all funds. This promotes the efficient use of funding and aids in the planning for spending that supports the mission and goals of the University.

    Keywords: balances reporting spending unrestricted net position

  • Policy Number:2030

    Status:Under Review

    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for retaining residual income from federal fixed price and fixed rate contracts.

    Keywords: federal contract fixed price residual income

  • Policy Number:2014

    Status:Under Review

    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the roles and responsibilities of Principal Investigators (PIs), their administrative units, and the Office of Grants and Contracts in the administration and management of sponsored projects.

    Keywords: award administration contracting ePER institutional approval principal investigator

  • Policy Number:2035


    Laws of the Regents and System Administrative Policy specify which individuals on each campus have signature authority to execute legal document on behalf of the University.

    Keywords: agreements Contracts contract-signature matrix legal document

  • Policy Number:2010


    This policy establishes the procedures and methods of payments to Study Subject participants at the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver | CU Anschutz), including Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax reporting requirements.

    Keywords: gift cards money orders participation incentives petty cash study subject compensation

  • Policy Number:2031

    Status:Under Review

    The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus (“the university”) receives a significant amount of funding for sponsored projects from the Federal government. This policy establishes guidelines for timely reporting of time and effort charged to sponsored research projects.

    Keywords: certification cost sharing electronic personal effort reporting ePER

  • Policy Number:2026


    The purpose of this policy is to manage the transfer of assets owned by the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus (“university”) to another organization or the transfer of assets from another organization to the university.

    Keywords: Capital Assets Equipment Transfers

  • Policy Number:2032

    Status:Under Review

    The purpose of this policy is to manage the transfer of University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Sponsored Project (grant or contract) commitments to other organizations.

    Keywords: relinquishing statement restricted fund award

  • Policy Number:2043A


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recording and distribution of Treasury Pooled Investment Earnings (PIE) at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus.

    Keywords: interest PIE pooled investment earnings

  • Policy Number:2034


    The purpose of this policy shall be to establish University of Colorado Denver | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus guidelines for the reporting of Unrelated Business Income (UBI) to University System Administration and the subsequent submission of a 990-T Federal Income Tax return to the Internal Revenue Service.

    2034 - Exhibit A

    Keywords: auxiliary sales UBIT unrelated business income tax

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