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Information Technology Policies

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  • Policy Number:5012A


    This policy establishes the responsibilities, standards, compliance, and governance structures for Digital Accessibility on the Anschutz Medical Campus as required by APS 6011.

    Keywords: ADA, disability, accessibility, accommodations disabilities, nondiscrimination, rehabilitation act

  • Policy Number:5015


    This policy establishes the implementation of enterprise software that is critical to the coordination of business activities across the University. 

    Keywords: Governance Committee IT ITGC network Software

  • Policy Number:5014


    This policy addresses the need for identifying software that requires special consideration in its implementation prior to procurement is necessary to ensure appropriate budgeting, awareness, and support.

    Keywords: enterprise Governance Committee IT ITGC network

  • Policy Number:5013


    This policy establishes guidelines for the adequate protection of University information regardless of the information's physical location, the nature of the device or media upon which it is stored, or the persons in possession or control of the information.

    Keywords: data infrastructure privacy Security

  • Policy Number:5012D


    This policy establishes digital accessibility responsibilities, standards, compliance, and governance structures as required by APS 6011.

    Keywords: ADA Compliant disabilities Nondiscrimination readability Rehabilitation Act

  • Policy Number:5011


    This policy defines the appropriate use of email and the university email system.

    Keywords: encryption messages privacy recipients

  • Policy Number:5010


    This policy covers all academic and administrative units, university affiliates, and academic and administrative staff seeking to register a domain name.

    Keywords: domain names third-level

  • Policy Number:5009


    This policy establishes guideline for a site license which is a type of software licensing agreement that grants the purchaser permission to use the software on a network on a single site, with an unlimited number of end users.

    Keywords: end users Software

  • Policy Number:5008


    This policy establishes guidelines for a content management system (CMS) which is a computer application that allows creation, modification, and maintenance of content from a central interface.

    Keywords: central interface maintenance

  • Policy Number:5003


    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the proper use of telephone and smart/cellular telephone services at the CU Denver Campus and CU Anschutz Medical Campus.

    Keywords: calling card Cellular long distance PBN telephony

  • Policy Number:5002


    The purpose of this policy is to set forth the policies and procedures regarding scheduling of classrooms, and other space, on the University of Colorado Denver Campus (CU Denver buildings only) University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and University of Colorado South Denver Location. Furthermore, the policy specifies the process for requesting and obtaining the allocation of such space for classes or other functions.

    Keywords: classroom conference room event

  • Policy Number:5001


    Sets forth the University's policy with regard to use of and access to CU Denver Campus and CU Anschutz Medical Campus (“the university”) IT Resources including university account use, privacy, computer and network security, legal and ethical use, networking and computing conduct, and software and intellectual property use. Further includes the steps the university may take should this policy be violated.

    Keywords: access Computers Internet Mobile

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