Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

CU Denver is committed to providing students, faculty, staff and visitors with access to its programs, services and facilities. This includes providing reasonable accommodations that ensure qualified applicants and employees with disabilities have equal employment opportunities.

One of the roles that Workplace Engagement, within Human Resources, is to serve as a campus-wide hub for information on the disability accommodation process for employees and applicants. We recognize that all CU Denver applicants and employees with disabilities have a right to ask for a reasonable accommodation, and we advocate for a process to identify if one can be made. If you are experiencing difficulty in the hiring process, while performing duties of your job, or accessing an employment benefit, you can consider requesting an accommodation.

We offer essential information, consultation, education, and referral services to employees and applicants, human resource business partners, and supervisors and managers to help minimize barriers in the workplace. We’re guided by our belief that disability is an important aspect of diversity, and we support full inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of employment and participation at CU Denver.

To make an accommodation request: Complete the Accommodation Request Form (PDF) and obtain medical documentation from your treating specialist and submit to the ADA Coordinator at

Note: The accommodation request form will send to the ADA Coordinator automatically.

Reasonable Accommodation 

Reasonable accommodation is any change or modification to the hiring process, a job, the work environment, or the way things are usually done that enables a qualified individual with a disability to apply for a job, perform the duties of a job, and enjoy benefits and privileges of employment equal to those without disabilities, without causing significant difficulty or disruption in the workplace or posing a health or safety threat.

Accommodations are provided on an individualized, case-by-case basis and considered in collaboration with the requesting employee, the ADA Coordinator, and the supervisor. 

Employees and applicants are not required to disclose the medical need for an accommodation to their immediate supervisor or hiring manager and medical information is kept separate from the personnel file.

For more information about the disability accommodation process for employees, please refer to the Disability Accommodation Guidelines (PDF).

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Office of Human Resources
1380 Lawrence Street Center
Denver, CO 80204

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

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ADA Employment Provisions: Key Terms

Qualified Individual with a Disability:

An applicant or employee with a disability who has the qualifications for the position desired or held (through training, education, experience) and who can perform the position’s essential functions with or without accommodations.


A mental or physical impairment, or record or perception of a mental or physical impairment, that substantially limits one or more major life activities (e.g., the ability to walk, talk, see, hear, breathe, learn, sleep, take care of oneself, or work).

Reasonable Accommodation:

Any modification that permits a qualified individual (applicant, employee) with a disability to perform the essential functions of a position without imposing undue hardship on the employer.

Undue Hardship:

An accommodation that is unduly costly, extensive, or disruptive to the employer.

Essential Functions:

Those duties that exist as the very purpose for the position and must be performed by the person holding the position. Essential functions must be distinguished from marginal functions which may be eliminated or reassigned to other employees. Factors to consider are:

  • the number of employees available to perform the function
  • the consequences of not having the function performed
  • whether the function requires special skills for which the employee was hired

Disability Accommodation: Information for Applicants

CU Denver is committed to building a diverse staff, including individuals with disabilities. To remove barriers in the hiring process and to create equal employment opportunities, we provide reasonable accommodations for qualified job applicants with disabilities.

Please contact the ADA Coordinator to request an accommodation for any step in the hiring process (e.g., application, interview, pre-employment testing, etc.). Please make your request as soon as possible to help the university respond most effectively to your request.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Process

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