Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Campus Holiday Schedule

Fiscal Year 2024-25

Holiday Date
Independence DayJuly 4
Labor DaySeptember 2
ThanksgivingNovember 28
Administrative Leave/Governor's HolidayNovember 29
Administrative Leave (Chancellor Holidays)December 23 - 24
Winter Break
December 25 - December 31
New Year's DayJanuary 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20
Memorial Day
May 26
JuneteenthJune 19
One floating holiday (employee choice)Yes

* Holiday falls on a weekend. Holiday is observed on the business day indicated.

** Administrative Leave days granted by the Chancellor.

Important Notes

Denver Campus: Holidays observed by units specifically serving the Denver campus and its schools and colleges.

Consolidated Units: Consolidated units serving both campuses remain open on campus-specific holidays. Each employee will request either the Denver Campus or Anschutz Medical Campus holiday schedule for the fiscal year. Typically, if the employee has a primary campus, they select that campus holiday schedule. Employees should indicate their holiday schedule in the Employee Portal under: My Info and Pay > My Leave > Preferences > Holiday Schedule.

For more information and guidance on administering holiday leave, reference Administrative Policy Statement 4018: Holidays.

Who can I contact with additional questions?


If you have any questions, please reach first out to your school/college/administrative unit HR Business Partner; some campus units use tools other than My Leave to record time and leave, so they are your first source for questions on leave entry.

Please note the holiday calendar varies from year to year. Any changes or additional information pertaining to FY23-24 may be made available at a later date.

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