Individual Coaching

With Individual Coaching, students meet one-on-one with an Academic Learning Specialist to develop time management, organizational, and study skills. The LRC works individually with students to help improve academic strategies, suggest changes to their current approach, find school/life balance, and provide encouragement as they implement new ways of learning. Individual Coaching is designed to help students create goals and plans to maximize their learning potential.

“I feel like I never have enough time.”
“I study and study, but it doesn’t show on my exams.”
“I’m just not feeling motivated to do my work."

Does this sound familiar? You're not alone. Academic life at CU Denver can be challenging. The pace, complexity, and volume of material encountered in college challenges students to learn more effectively and efficiently. Our Learning Support Team is here to help you navigate these challenges by providing you with the tools to balance the many demands that are placed on you as a CU Denver student. We work one-on-one with you to help you improve your academic strategies, suggest changes to your approach, find school/life balance, and provide encouragement as you implement new ways of learning.

You can think of a Learning Support Specialist like a personal trainer. The trainer is adjusting the weights, offering new workouts, supporting you, and providing guidance to help you achieve your goals. The obvious difference is that a Learning Support Specialist is helping you strengthen your learning fitness. 

Your goals might sound like this:

  • “I want to study more efficiently.”
  • “I want to procrastinate less.”
  • “I think I could be managing my time better.”
  • “I don’t want my anxiety to get in the way of how I perform on a final.”
  • “I’d like to retain more of the information I learn for the long-term.”


CU Denver students walk into LRC Individual Coaching sessions year-round with statements like these and many more. Learning Support Specialists offer strategies, accountability, and inspiration along the way.

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How does Individual Coaching work?

In your first session, your Learning Support Specialist will ask questions in a friendly, conversational way to understand your current experiences, habits, and possible areas for growth. Then you’ll explore potential solutions together. A typical first appointment includes:

Introductions and answers to any questions you have about Individual Coaching

Informal chatting about your course load, semester, and interests

Discussion of the topic that brought you to coaching or, if you’re unsure, exploration of what a relevant topic could be

Conversation about strategies that might work for you, and how you'd like to tailor them to your situation

You can make as many follow-up appointments as you’d like. Subsequent sessions are often treated as check-ins to discuss how the strategies went, including what worked and what didn’t. However, you can always make a follow-up appointment regardless of whether you implemented the strategies. We understand that building new habits is challenging, and we’re happy to discuss ways of overcoming these obstacles with you.  

You can also bring up new questions and topics that we haven’t covered yet. 

Effective and Efficient Learning Strategies

The LRC's Learning Support Team strives to cultivate a steadfast partnership with students to support their individualized learning and growth process, contributing to an unparalleled student experience. We do this by:

  • Supporting students to develop critical thinking and academic skills.
  • Encouraging confidence in academics and self.
  • Facilitating an iterative and actionable goal setting process.
  • Trusting and empowering students to take ownership of their college and life journey.



How can I schedule a session?

Signing up for one or more Individual Coaching sessions is easy! Just visit select one of our Senior Academic Learning Specialists then your preferred time slot based on our Learning support team availability. We keep coaching sessions to 45 minutes giving plenty of time to listen to your learning concerns, review important concepts, and address follow-up. Schedule your Individual Coaching session with the LRC today!

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