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Faculty Development in International Entrepreneurship (FDIE)

University of Colorado Denver CIBER has trained 350+ faculty members and doctoral students from 250+ universities in more than 38 US states and over 35 countries in Faculty Development in International Entrepreneurship programs.

Upcoming Faculty Development in International Entrepreneurship Program

Waterloo, Canada   |   July 10-13, 2022

Jointly sponsored by the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Colorado Denver, the program offers faculty and doctoral students the unique opportunity to learn best practices in teaching, research, and outreach in international entrepreneurship. 

Specifically, the program aims to benefit participants in the following ways: 
  • Learn the current state and future directions of research in international entrepreneurship with Dr. Nicole Coviello, one of the field’s leading scholars and an editor at Journal of Business Venturing.
  • Discuss opportunities and strategies for research and publishing in international entrepreneurship.
  • Learn innovative strategies and approaches for designing and developing an international entrepreneurship course, internationalizing your entrepreneurship course, and/or teaching your international business course from an entrepreneurial perspective.
  • Acquire a valuable Resource Guide in International Entrepreneurship that lists hundreds of resources (articles, books, cases, online sites, course syllabi, etc.) for use in research and teaching.
  • Network with other faculty and doctoral students who share similar interests in international entrepreneurship. During the past four years, the FDIE has trained 350+ faculty members and doctoral students from 250+ universities in more than 35 countries.

This year’s FDIE will feature a special panel session on digital globalization, interviews with founders internationalizing their young ventures, and a visit to one of Canada’s leading tech organizations. 

Two other IE editors will join us to talk about research and publishing: Becky Reuber (outgoing IE Editor at JIBS) and Esther Tippmann (one of the IE Editors at JWB). 

Lazaridis School of Business & Economics
Pictured: Lazaridis School of Business & Economics
Dual Logo 2

For additional information, contact:

Karen Freidhof, Assistant Director, IIB/CIBER

Manuel Serapio, Faculty Director, IIB/CIBER

Programs will be held at the Lazaridis Institute.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

6:00 - 8:00 pm           Reception at Lazaridis Hall (4th floor and courtyard) 

Monday, July 11, 2022

9:00 am                      Program Overview

9:30 am                      International Entrepreneurship Overview

11:30 am                    Lunch and Fireside Chat

1:00 pm                      Research and Publishing in International Entrepreneurship

2:30 pm                      Coffee break

3:00 pm                      International Entrepreneurship and Digital Globalization

4:30 pm                      Finished for day - dinner on your own

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

9:00 am                      Day Overview

9:30 am                      Company Tour - TBA

11:30 am                    Lunch and Fireside Chat

1:00 pm                      Teaching International Entrepreneurship

4:30 pm                      Finished for day - dinner on your own

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

9:00 am                      Group photo

9:30 am                      Digital International Entrepreneurship Panel

11:30 am                    Lunch and Summary

1:00 pm                      Program complete

Nicole Coviello, PhD, DSc (econ) - Program Coordinator

Lazaridis Chair of International Entrepreneurship & Innovation; Professor of Marketing, Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada

Dr. Coviello is a Professor of Marketing and the Lazaridis Chair of International Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada. Previously, she was the Research Director of the Lazaridis Institute for the Management of Technology Enterprises. Dr. Coviello has other academic appointments in New Zealand (University of Auckland; University of Waikato), Canada (University of Calgary) and Finland (University of Turku). Her research intersects international business, marketing strategy, and entrepreneurship. She has multiple publications in the top journals of all three of these disciplines, including the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Nicole is also co-editor of the Handbook of Measures for International Entrepreneurship Research (with Helena Yli-Renko). In 2018, an international study showed her to have four of the most influential publications in International Marketing - more than any other scholar in the world. In 2020 and 2021, she was ranked as one of the top 1% of Business and Management scholars in the world. In 2010, she also received an honorary doctorate from the Turku School of Economics for her work in building the field of International Entrepreneurship. She is Associate Editor at the Journal of Business Venturing, Consulting Editor at the Journal of International Business Studies, and she sits on numerous other editorial boards. 

Manuel G. Serapio, PhD - Program Facilitator

Faculty Director, Institute for International Business (IIB), Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), University of Colorado Denver, Denver, United States

Dr. Serapio is Faculty Director of the Institute for International Business and CU CIBER. As an internationally recognized educator in the field of international entrepreneurship (IE), he has conducted faculty development workshops in IE for 340+ faculty from 38 US states and 34 countries. Professor Serapio is co-author (with A. Zucchella and B. Hagen) of International Entrepreneurship in the Age of Digital Globalization (Elgar, 2nd edition, forthcoming in 2023). 

Dr. Serapio was guest editor of a Special Issue in IE for Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (with Patricia McDougall-Covin and Marian Jones). His other articles have appeared in Research Policy, International Business Review, Management International Review, Organizational Dynamics, IEEE Spectrum, and Research Technology Management.

Rebecca (Becky) Reuber, PhD

Professor of Strategic Management, Area Coordinator, Strategic Management Area

Becky Reuber is Professor of Strategic Management and the area coordinator for the Strategy area at Rotman. Her research focuses on the growth strategies of entrepreneurial organizations, including internationalization, opportunity creation and the use of social media.  She is Area Editor for International Entrepreneurship at the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and sits on the editorial boards of several other journals.  She was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and as a VP (Administration) on the AIB Executive Board (2019-2022).

Esther Tippmann, PhD

Professor, Strategy, Leadership and Change, Head of Discipline, management, Co-Director, Centre for Entrepreneurial Growth and Scaling (CEGS)

Esther Tippmann is Professor of Strategy, Leadership and Change and serves as Head of Discipline, Management and Co-Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Growth and Scaling (CEGS). Before joining NUI Galway, she was a faculty member at University College Dublin and Research Fellow at Grenoble Ecole de Management, France. Esther's research and teaching interests revolve around the strategic challenges of internationally operating organizations. She has worked closely with several scaling firms and multinational corporations in Ireland, France, U.K. and the U.S. on case studies and research projects. She has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of Management Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review, among others. Her research received several honours, including awards and nominations from the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business and Strategic Management Society. Esther currently serves as Senior Editor for the Journal of World Business and on the editorial boards of the Journal of International Business Studies and Long Range Planning. She held a Marie-Curie Fellowship, funded by the European Commission and Irish Research Council. Esther has taught in the areas of Strategic Management, Global Strategy, International Business, and Qualitative Research across all levels, including executives, in Ireland, Germany and France.


Reception: Lazaridis School of Business & Economics, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo

Program: Lazaridis Institute, 72 Victoria St S., Kitchener

Company Tour: TBA

Note: The cites of Kitchener and Waterloo are intertwined. They are normally referred to as KW or Kitchener-Waterloo. The Institute is about a 10 min drive (or less) from the Lazaridis School or the hotel. Participants can take a cab, Uber, or our light rail transit (the ION). 


Delta Hotels Waterloo

Address: 110 Erb Street West Waterloo, Ontario N2L 0C6

Hotel Group Rate: 175 CAD per night + tax

Last day to book: June 9, 2022

Booking Link: 

Parking charges at hotel are additional.


Waterloo, Canada

Pictured: City of Waterloo, overlooking the Perimeter Institute

Program Fee

$1,250 USD


Partial scholarships ranging from $300 - $500 USD will be available to the first 20 participants. To be considered for a scholarship, you must be among the first 20 people to register.

Click here to register



Other Expected Costs

Airfare - variable based on participant location

Meals - lunches will be included in the program

Accommodations - see the Accommodations tab to book the group hotel


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Institute for International Business

CU Denver

Business School

1475 Lawrence Street

5th Floor, Suites 5204-5208

Denver, CO 80202


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