Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Updates & Resources for Staff

Guiding Principles

Below you will find resources and principles to assist units with adjusting to their new normal. 

  • Follow public health guidelines and any requirements implemented by the CU Denver COVID-19 Team and the Auraria Campus.
  • Work with your employees to be equitable and fair, recognizing that everyone’s circumstances are different.
  • Recognize that the last two years have been difficult for everyone, and returning to campus is not always easy.

Resources for Supervisors

If an employee in your unit informs you they have tested positive for COVID-19, remind them they must stay home, and they can use the CDC Isolation and Exposure Calculator to help determine how long to isolate.

It is NEVER ok to share the name of a positive employee to the department/unit.

If you have a question about an employee’s status, email the Public Health Response Director:


Additional Resources for Employees and Supervisors

  1. Child and Elder Care
  2. Colorado Crisis Services
  3. YOU at CU Denver
  4. Human Resources

Know someone who needs support regarding COVID-19? Submit a referral form to get help.

Treatments Available for Individuals Sick With COVID-19

If you test positive, or think you might have COVID-19, you may be able to get treatment to help you recover. Treatment works best if it’s taken within a few days of when you first started experiencing symptoms.

Find a Treatment Site Near You

Lynx Together Staff FAQs

Additional Questions

Have a question about COVID-19 safety protocols? We answer common questions and regularly add them to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Lynx Together site. 

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