Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Updates & Resources for Faculty

For faculty who have questions about teaching different types of course formats, several campus partners routinely host academic technology trainings . For additional technology help, you can schedule a time to meet with an expert. If you have access or enrollment questions or need help from a Canvas expert, contact the OIT Service Desk 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday.

Return to Campus Tech Guide

On Campus and Hybrid Technology Resources

Navigating COVID-19 in the Classroom

If a student in your class or an employee in your unit informs you they have tested positive for COVID-19, remind them they must stay home, and they can use the CDC Isolation and Exposure Calculator to help determine how long to isolate.

It is NEVER ok to share the name of a positive student or employee to the class or work unit.

If you have a question about a student or employee’s status, email the Public Health Response Director:

Please work with your student with any makeup work and/or missed exams.

Treatments Available for Individuals Sick With COVID-19

If you test positive, or think you might have COVID-19, you may be able to get treatment to help you recover. Treatment works best if it’s taken within a few days of when you first started experiencing symptoms.

Find a Treatment Site Near You

Lynx Together Faculty FAQs

Additional Questions

Have a question about COVID-19 safety protocols? We answer common questions and regularly add them to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Lynx Together site. 

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