Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Hometown Colorado 

Hometown Colorado is a collaboration between CityCenter and city partners interested in engaging students and faculty on a project in their community, Hometown Colorado connects communities in Colorado with the wide-ranging knowledge and academic discipline of students and faculty experts to address local issues that advance community liveability and quality of life.  

Program Benefits 

Hometown Colorado leaves a lasting impact on the communities it partners with.

  • CityCenter provides robust proposals that can spark community and staff discussion, increase the breadth and deepth of the conversation around projets, and help get 'stuck' projects moving.
  • City partners have access to an interdisciplinary group of faculty experts with first-hand knowledge of cutting-edge research and best practices. 
  • Interested and engaged students with on-the-ground knowledge of your area who may serve as strong candidates for future internships and staff positions. 


How It Works 

Together with our city partner, scopes of work for each project are developed. Typically, the scope includes a detailed problem statement, potential directions for student exploration, expected outcomes, deliverables and activities. Partners are asked to invest $10,000 in each course, which covers: coordination support from the Hometown Colorado staff and, depending on the scope of work developed, can include: student and faculty site visits to the partner city; compilation, printing and distribution of high-quality final reports; hosting of events and student-created materials for display.


CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street

Rm 1110

Denver, CO 80202

(303) 315-2489

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