Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Time Use and Course Schedules Review - Working Group 4

For our learners, the need to work while attending college poses unique instructional needs. This working group will study how instructional schedules could be more effectively optimized and make recommendations for changes to course schedules and instructional time grids in a manner that allows us to be responsive to the time management and financial needs of our students.

Members of the Time Use and Course Schedules Review Working Group
Name | Title | Unit/Department
Pamela Toney (mentor) | Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management | SESS
Samantha Kelly (co-facilitator) | Associate Registrar | Office of the Registrar
Mira Woodson (co-facilitator) | Assistant Professor CTT | CAP
Natascha Ambrose | Assistant Director of Financial Aid Advising | Financial Aid
Helen Barford | Sr. Operations Professional | BUSN
Liz (Elizabeth) Blaser | Assistant Registrar | Office of the Registrar
Michelle Carpenter | Professor, Chair Visual Arts | CAM
Sulastri Carr | Administrative Assistant | CLAS
Jaimie Carrington | Program Director, Undergrad Recruitment, Retention, Student Success | CLAS
Leo Darnell | Assistant Dean of Academic Services | CAP
Dennis DeBay | Clinical Assistant Professor | SEHD
Laurel Dodds | Director, Initiatives & Continuing Prof. Education | CLAS
Stephen Hartke | Professor, Mathematical & Statistical Sciences | CLAS
Nayzeth Landa | Student |
Greg Lee | Director, Pre-Collegiate | SESS
Nathanial Lynch | International Services Manager | OIA
Daniela Mejia | Student |
Robyn Mobbs | Cl. Assistant Professor, BAPA Program Director | SPA
Roxy New | Course Coordinator and Grad Acad Advisor | CAP
Jae Do Park | Professor | CEDC
Kristie Siedlecki | Campus Community and Classroom Scheduling | Office of the Registrar
Sarah Thompson | Course and Curriculum Coor | CLAS
e.j. Yoder | Senior Instructor, Communication | CLAS
Dawn Zoni | Asst Director, Administrative & Operational Services | Auraria Library
Sarah Woodward | Senior Instructor, Responsive Literacy Education Program | SEHD

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