Student Level Reporting

​CU-Data is a web-based system that allows all authorized faculty and staff to easily access and retrieve commonly used data and reports. If you do not have access to view these reports, you will need to complete the security access request form for reporting.

Please use our Data Request Form for aggregate or student level data requests and a staff member will contact you about your request. New CU-Data reports are estimated to take 2-4 weeks. 

Our office also provides reports on an ad-hoc basis and has a variety of internal dashboards available on Tableau Server. For aggregate level or official reporting for the university, please see our institutional data resources here. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our reports please contact us.

Find student level reports at the link below. Log into CU-Data using your university credentials.

Access CU-Data

Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

10th Floor

Denver, CO 80204

(303) 315-2840

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