Oct. 15 to Oct. 17, 2024: Colorado Free Application Days

Submit your application to CU Denver between Oct. 15 and 17 and your $50 application fee will be waived.

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Visible ID Badge Initiative

Your safety on campus is our top priority and we want to ensure security for our people and property. To that end, our visible ID badge initiative requires that all students, faculty, and staff display their CU Denver ID badges when on campus. Visible badges increase safety by helping security guards and other community members identify who is part of our CU Denver community.   

When you are on campus, you are required to visibly display your ID badge. There is no mandate about how you display your badge. We just ask that it be visible. You can wear it around your neck using a lanyard and ID holder (contact your department for a lanyard and ID holder) or clipped to your clothes with a retractable badge holder. Departments may email the Director of Organizational Effectiveness and Engagement for lanyards and card holders.   

Please do not punch holes through the ID badge itself, as it will damage your badge and could restrict your access to campus resources. FAQs outline steps to getting an ID badge and more.

Person on campus wearing ID badge

Visible ID FAQs

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