
Colorado Living Architecture Regional Center of Excellence is a cross-university collaboration between University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) and Colorado State University (CSU) for a new Colorado Living Architecture center. The mission of this new center is to encourage education, research and installation of living architecture in west-central North America. Our goal is to have university faculty from CSU and CU Denver collaborate to grow, investigate, study, innovate, teach and develop living architecture knowledge.

On Sep. 28, 2018, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC), and its charitable arm, the Green Infrastructure Foundation (GIF) named our new CLA center one of its new Living Architecture Regional Centers of Excellence. The Colorado Living Architecture Regional Center of Excellence is one of four higher education institutions in the nation to receive the honorable designation.

We are pleased with this designation and how it positions CU Denver and CSU as national leaders in the important research area of green roofs and green wall technologies. It further points towards the potential for the voter passed Green Roof Ordinance (now Green Building Ordinance) for Denver. We are excited to see how our new Colorado Living Architecture Regional Center of Excellence can help shape a greener, cleaner, healthier and cooler future for the Denver-metro region.



College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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