Navigating Remote Learning

Abigail, a CU Denver student
Abigail Legarda, sophomore psychology major.

First of all, what is ‘Remote Learning'?

Remote learning is another way of saying “learning from home.” There are circumstances, such as the pandemic we are currently in, in which one cannot physically go to a location, and in this case we cannot physically meeting on campus, face-to-face with our instructors and classmates. Remote learning is designed to give students the opportunity to continue their education despite these challenging circumstances. Although we aren’t meeting with our instructors in person/on campus, many students are meeting with them through a webcam paired with the Zoom software. The instructors deliver their lectures in an online setting, while still being able to communicate with their students through these online meetings.

Isn’t it hard not being on campus? 

While it can be challenging having all assignments, lectures, exams, etc. be delivered through an online/remote setting, it is definitely not impossible! There are many resources available to us as CU Denver students, we just have to reach out for help! Many of our campus resources are providing their services in an online format since most students are learning from home. Instructors are even holding office hours through remote formats, so please don’t hesitate to login for those office hours if you find yourself needing extra support. Although you’re not physically with your instructor, you are still able to have that connection with them if you want it and you initiate that connection. Again, attend their office hours; attend any online events and workshops; and take advantage of all the virtual services our student resource offices are providing!

How do you manage all-remote learning? 

In my opinion, having remote classes makes time management slightly easier. If you operate from the perspective that the Auraria campus is mainly a commuter campus, think about the time/transportation that you are saving by engaging in remote learning. Learning from home definitely gives you more spare time to focus on your assignments.

The way I have been managing having remote learning is by spacing my classes out. Although all my classes are set for a specific day and time, besides those days/times, I also set aside extra time to focus on each specific course. With that being said, I encourage you to explore different time management strategies and discover the way that best works for you! Create a schedule that clearly indicates which days and times are dedicated to specific courses and don’t forget to add your social life to that schedule. Time management is a great skill that you can improve upon and fine tune not only during this semester of remote learning, but also your entire college career (and beyond). 

Create a schedule that clearly indicates which days and times are dedicated to specific courses and don’t forget to add your social life to that schedule.

I'm a STEM student, should I avoid remote learning and do on-campus learning?

All students are capable of learning remotely. As a student in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math) field, I know there are so many resources that are willing to help with this type of learning. Knowing what these resources are is something that will help you succeed as a STEM student in the remote learning environment. Some of the resources are:

  • the Learning Resources Center, which offers one-on-one and small group tutoring for specific courses, academic development workshops, study tips for exams, etc.;
  • the Writing Center, which can help you understand a writing assignment, organize your thoughts/important points to include in your essay, review resumes for internships/jobs, grammar, citing sources, etc.; and
  • the Math Education Resource Center (MERC) Lab offers help with intense math courses - connect with them to get that extra support!

There are so many more resources which are available to you as a student. Don’t ever hesitate to reach out for support!

You are not alone!

A lot of us are engaging in remote learning for the first time due to the current circumstances - you may find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone! Reach out to your peers, advisors, instructors, the resources, anybody! We all want to help each other in the best way possible, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. 

Let’s make the best out of remote learning! 

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