Meet the Finalists for Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Sent: Jan. 15, 2021

Dear CU Denver Students,

I know the semester hasn't even started, but I’m writing to invite you to meet the finalists for our next vice chancellor for diversity, equity, and inclusion (VCDEI) next week. 

This is a vital role for our campus, now more than ever. In an increasingly fractured world, we need the next generation of leaders to have the toolset to find common ground and to develop better solutions. This requires an environment in which we really listen to each other, learn about our differences, and find empathy for each other in a respectful way. 

I know that many of you care about this, too. I appreciate the thoughts you‘ve shared with me on this position both in my July 2020 equity listening sessions and at beginning of the national search in October. 

We invite you to attend virtual forums over the next 10 days to meet each of four finalists. The forums for students will be held from 2 – 2:45 p.m. on January 20, 21, 22 and 25. Recordings will be available for those who are unable to attend. 

Best wishes for a successful semester, and thank you for helping us identify a leader who will help CU Denver foster an environment that encourages the difficult but necessary building of trust across difference. 

Michelle Marks Signature

Michelle Marks

Chancellor’s Office

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Suite 1400

Denver, CO 80204


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